Aland Introduction

In Azarbayjan region of Iran, at the splendid foot of Arrarat mountain range, where the field is full of red corn poppy, the city of Khoy is placed the heart of this excellent beauty. We have chosen the name of Aland from this flower garden and our rural based products services company is proud of this selection.


Aland Motor had started by supplying and distributing all kind of rural based products. The most attracting point in all of Iranian rural part was distributing pumping engine, generator engine, and poison-sprayer with spare parts. We managed all by special services and the best prices. For the first time in 1988, Aland Motor manufactured Echo and Kioritz spare parts of poison-sprayer which were exactly according to their similar Japanese standards.When these poison-sprayers became out of date, we stopped importing this equipment and put an end to producing the spare parts. Then, manufacturing by ourselves all kinds of 100 liter sprayer we started to supply them through the agricultural stores in all Iran.


Rural based products services of Aland motor developed its work by distributing these products in the field of cattle's: all kinds of 100 liter poison-sprayer, clippers, shearing machines, Italian spray guns, and bypass-secateur. Also we are distributor of these manufacturers:

• Heiniger Company, manufacturer of all kinds of clippers and shearing machines
• Marti Company, manufacturer of all kinds of spray guns and the spare parts of poison-sprayers


Agricultural actions are the routes of our independency. We are trying to make our country independent by producing and manufacturing all the supplies in this field.